July 2023 North India Flood Relief

July 2023 North India Flood Relief

July 2023 North India Flood Relief North India, July 2023 During the month of July 2023, heavy monsoon rains caused severe flooding and landslides in many states in northern India. The deluge affected many people living in low-lying areas and along river banks....
2023 Sawan Shivratri

2023 Sawan Shivratri

2023 Sawan Shivartri Nawan Nagar, July 2023 Sawan Shivratri falls on the last day of the annual Kanwar Yatra pilgrimage undertaken by the devotees of Lord Shiva. Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra (VMRK) honors the pilgrims’ devotion to the Divine by celebrating Sawan...
Guru Purnima 2023

Guru Purnima 2023

Guru Purnima 2023 Nawan Nagar, July 2023 On the full-moon day of July 3, 2023 Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra (VMRK) celebrated Guru Purnima at its center in Nawan Nagar in the state of Haryana in India. With permission from the authorities and help from volunteers who...