Blanket distribution 2021

The Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra blanket distribution program is organized during the cold winter months each year. In January and February 2021, our volunteers visited the nearby villages, slum areas, and brick kilns. We found many people living in miserable conditions due to the cold weather. Our volunteers immediately approached the local administration and offered help.

In coordination with the local administration, Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra donated and distributed more than 11,850 blankets. The families in need were very happy and grateful to receive the blankets.

The local administration attended some of these charitable events and sent letters of appreciation after the events. The heads of the villages and other villagers who were present also remarked on the good quality of the blankets.

This office is highly satisfied with Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra (Regd.) branch Kharar for providing the 134 blankets to the people in need in the slum area on January 3, 2021, and for strictly following the COVID-19 guidelines issued by the central government and state government from time to time.

The quality and quantity of material provided was par excellence and this office is highly obliged to Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra, Nawan Nagar’s service during the COVID-19 pandemic.

SDM Kharar, Punjab

In January and February 2021, Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra distributed blankets in villages, slum areas and brick kilns. Thus far in 2021, we have distributed:


I, the Municipal Councillor of Nagar Council Mahilpur, heartily thank Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra (Regd.) Nawan Nagar, PO Nanakpur, Distt. Panchkula, Haryana for the great efforts and services towards the people in need in society. The organization donated blankets to 50 people of Mahilpur and 15 people of Bhagonre road, Mahilpur. It is really a great service provided by the charitable society of Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra Nawan Nagar. I really appreciate you and your holy charitable society for the precious service to the weaker section of society. May this holy organization run by Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra succeed in future with grace of God.

Joginder Singh, Municipal Corporation Nagar Panchayat, Ward No. 9, Mahilpur, Hoshiarpur

These charitable activities adhered strictly to the Covid-19 guidelines issued by the local, state and central bodies. At each of these charitable activities, our volunteers maintained physical distancing, and wore masks and gloves.

Our volunteers visited each charity location a few days in advance to plan where to put the tables, mark the circles, and place the banners. On the day of the event, some of our volunteers assembled two tables in the front. The tables were covered with white sheets. Then all the blankets were placed on one table.

Meanwhile, another team of our volunteers marked white circles on the ground. The circles were at least 2 meters apart. After the circles were marked, the beneficiaries who gathered to receive the blankets were invited to sit or stand within the white circles.

The beneficiaries were then asked to come to the front one at a time. As each beneficiary approached, one volunteer sanitized their hands as another volunteer took a blanket from the pile on the first table and placed it onto the second table for the beneficiary. In this way, each blanket could not accidentally come into contact with multiple beneficiaries, thereby avoiding any risk of cross contamination.

Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra Nawan Nagar, Haryana distributed 100 blankets on January 7, 2021 in Harangaon to save the people in need from the cold. It is a really appreciable act. The activity was organized according to the Covid-19 guidelines.

We are thankful to the organization on behalf of the village council. We expect that Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra will organize such charitable activities in the future.

Madan Lal Malviya, Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat, Khategaon, Madhya Pradesh