Spiritual Discourse March 2024 Nawan Nagar, Haryana

Nawan Nagar, March 2024

On March 30, 2024, Vishav Manav Ruhani Kendra (VMRK) celebrated the birth anniversary of our Grand Master with great zest and zeal at its center in Nawan Nagar, Haryana, India. VMRK transformed the center into a celebratory atmosphere, decorated with lights, flowers, rangoli, and archways of balloon garlands. A large gathering of people across India came to commemorate this auspicious occasion and attend the spiritual discourse that Sant Baljit Singh Ji gave to honor our Grand Master.

From March 25, attendees began arriving from distant locations using different modes of transport. For the masses who took public transport to the nearby bus and train stations, VMRK provided free pick up and drop off services. Many who drove from different parts of India were not familiar with navigating through the road intersections to get to Nawan Nagar. Therefore, VMRK dispatched volunteers to the connecting road junctions within a 9-kilometer radius from Nawan Nagar to greet attendees and guide them with directions to the VMRK center.

Preparations at the event grounds

Three big waterproof tents were set up for the main event venue and trenches were dug around them to drain away rainwater and keep the tents dry inside. Additionally, several other waterproof tents were set up to offer free accommodation for attendees and to provide various services including food distribution and medical facilities. By March 29, the day before the spiritual discourse, the preparations for the event were completed.

However, heavy rain bucketed down at dawn the next day and continued until late morning. The exposed areas of the event grounds became waterlogged and muddy. VMRK volunteers acted swiftly by spreading dry sand over the wet and muddy grounds. This worked well to soak up the moisture and mud such that by mid-afternoon, the grounds were ready for the evening discourse.

Evening program

The tents at the main event venue were systematically divided into multiple sections to accommodate the massive crowd effectively. A large team of security volunteers guided attendees to the different seating areas. As evening approached, the tents were brimming with the huge crowd of attendees who had arrived early, well before Sant Baljit Singh Ji’s arrival. When more attendees continued arriving, many had to sit on the mats that were laid outside. Before long, the whole grounds were completely full.

VMRK had prepared in advance for the massive turnout by installing 13 large LED screens and audio equipment throughout the event grounds. The equipment gave good visibility and audio quality to attendees inside the tents as well as those in the far reaches outside. The focus was to ensure that everyone could enjoy the evening program, and comfortably see and listen to Sant Baljit Singh Ji.

The evening program began with performances of devotional songs that audience enjoyed as they patiently awaited Sant Baljit Singh Ji’s arrival. Many attendees had lined the pathway to the tent in eager anticipation and upon his arrival, they greeted him with folded hands and radiant smiles. Sant Baljit Singh Ji took time to walk slowly through the tent up to the dais. The audience on either side of the pathway paid their respects and greeted him in different ways: some bowed their heads in reverence, some enthusiastically raised their folded hands, and some clapped in joy on seeing Sant Baljit Singh Ji walk by.

When Sant Baljit Singh Ji walked onto the dais, he made his way to the center and raised his folded hands and bowed his head in greeting. As he did so, he turned to greet the different sections in the tents. The audience reciprocated by bowing their heads with hands folded in reverence.

On the dais hung two huge portraits of our Grand Master and Great Grand Master. Before Sant Baljit Singh Ji took his seat on the dais, he paid his respects to our Grand Master and Great Grand Master. First, Sant Baljit Singh Ji walked up some steps to the portrait of our Grand Master. Then he carefully draped a huge garland of red and white flowers over the portrait. He took time to arrange and center the garland before he respectfully bowed his head with folded hands. Next, he walked over to the portrait of our Great Grand Master and similarly paid his respects.

Spiritual discourse

After this, Sant Baljit Singh Ji began the discourse by addressing the audience. He reminded everyone of the significance of the special day to commemorate our Grand Master who guided us on the right path that leads to realization of the Supreme Father. He then proceeded to speak for more than three hours and emphasized, “On the path of devotion, both sincerity and discipline hold great importance.”

Following the discourse, Sant Baljit Singh Ji walked among the attendees for around 45 minutes, going from one section to another. Once again, attendees were delighted as they enjoyed a closer glimpse of Sant Baljit Singh Ji. Meanwhile, professional singers sang devotional songs. Towards the end of the evening, as Sant Baljit Singh Ji was leaving the tent, he stopped and stood with his arm raised to the audience. Slowly he turned around with his arm outstretched so the entire audience could see him. Thousands in the audience responded spontaneously by raising their arms high—their elation and exuberance were palpable!

On the path of devotion, both sincerity and discipline hold great importance.

Sant Baljit Singh Ji

To celebrate this occasion, VMRK had specially prepared halwa, an Indian sweet dessert, as prasad. Attendees enjoyed this prasad alongside the wholesome vegetarian food served during the dinner service at the food distribution area.

The next day, on March 31, Sant Baljit Singh Ji gave the holy gift of Naam Daan to the spiritual seekers, who received initiation into the meditation of the inner Light and Sound.

Charitable services at Nawan Nagar

VMRK conducts various charitable activities year-round, some of the recent charitable activities are listed below:

From March 27–31, 2024, VMRK undertook multiple charitable activities that extended beyond its center in Nawan Nagar to the slum areas of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, and Haryana. A month prior, VMRK volunteers began preparations for conducting medical camps, a blood donation camp, and distributing hygiene kits. During this commemorative event, these charitable activities were completed successfully.

Medical camps

VMRK organized a 24-hour medical camp at the event grounds from March 29–31. A team of 30 medical professionals provided medical services to thousands of patients. The doctors, paramedical, and nursing staff provided free medical consultation and medicines. Volunteers were available with wheelchairs for patient assistance at the entrance of the camp, and three fully-equipped ambulances were on standby for emergency services.

VMRK also organized 5 medical camps in slum areas at Chowki, Mullanpur, Kherawali, Haripur Sandoli, and Judi Kalan, all within 30 kilometers of Nawan Nagar center. In each camp, a team of a doctor, pharmacist, and 8 VMRK volunteers provided medical assistance. More than 490 patients received medical aid, treatment and medicines for fungal infections, allergies, stomach infection, fever, cold, and cough.

Hygiene camps

During the preparations in the month prior to the event, VMRK volunteers visited surrounding slum areas to gauge what assistance was needed. These slums lacked proper sanitation services and many residents could not afford personal hygiene items. Therefore, in addition to providing healthcare services, VMRK distributed hygiene kits to those in need within these areas while educating them on the importance of basic hygiene. More than 700 kits were distributed, each consisting of 4 bath soaps, 4 laundry soaps, 3 toothbrushes, 2 tubes of toothpaste, and 1 nail cutter.

Blood donation camp

VMRK collaborated with the teams of Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh and Indian Red Cross Society, Punjab to organize a blood donation camp on March 30. Due to the inclement weather, fewer people participated in this blood donation drive. Those who came forward received preliminary health checks, following which 39 people successfully donated 39 units (15.6 liters) of blood. Afterwards, the donors were brought to a resting area, for observation and recovery, where they were served refreshments.